Webinar on the Business of Translation

On August 30, Anu Carnegie-Brown, Managing Director at Sandberg Translation Partners Ltd, held a webinar for students in the MA program in Translation and Professional Communication, ran by AFO members at the University of Agder.  During her webinar, Anu introduced students to the intricacies of today’s language services industry, not least the speed at which the global translation market is growing and changing.

Anu began with an overview of the different services that the language industry offers, ranging from translation to content creation. She proceeded to examine the relationships among the different vendors involved in the translation process and surveyed the various specializations that make up professional ecosystems in most language service providers. Lastly, Anu described the roles of reviser or project manager and explained how the execution of these roles is assessed. The last section of the webinar was particularly relevant to translation students considering their furture career prospects. 

Anu Carnegie-Brown, Managing Director at Sandberg Translation Partners Ltd

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