Invited talks for a PhD course in Poland

Professor Gawrońska Pettersson has been invited to give 4 talks within the PhD course “Chosen topics in Humanities” at the Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk, Poland.

The talk delivered in October, with the title Sami People in Scandinavia and Soviet Union/Russia – cultural and educational policies, gave an overview of the shifting approaches to the question of integration of ethnic minorities as opposed to the
preservation of their language and cultural heritage in the 20th century. A specific focus was placed on the Sami minority in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia/Soviet Union.

Two talks had the title Non-fiction? Memoirs and literary journalism from a genealogical and narratological perspective and addressed the issue of the definition of genres that combine factual reportage with stylistic methods that are typical for fictional literature (memoirs, autobiographies, diaries, narrative journalism). The fictional and non-fictional elements as well as perspective shifts in narration were illustrated by examples from the prose by Polish, German, and American authors.

The last talk, Pomeranian motifs in Swedish chronicles and memoirs, will be given soon. It focuses on the traces of the common Scandinavian-Pomeranian history in Swedish non-fiction literature by delving into the complicated history of the region of Pomerania. Its parts were independent or belonged to Germany, Poland, and Scandinavian countries.

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